Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Morning Meditation in Art Class

Exciting news: Miss Farrow's 7th and 8th graders found their Zen last week. Students were led through a meditation where they focused on their breath and explored clay, ultimately creating pinch pots. When they finished, students got to reflect back on the process. You'll notice that each student is sitting quietly, focusing on their breath and the clay in their hands. That's right folks, 7th  and 8th graders SAT IN SILENCE for an entire class period. As you can see below, students really got into it. It was magical!

5th and 6th graders do the snow dance!

And by snow dance, I mean painting winter! The high country needed some snow, so what better what to call to the snow Gods than paint some winter trees? Bonus: Miss Good's class learned about foreground, midground and background.

                                                                                                                                 ...and yes, it worked!